Here is a list of some the key nutrients, vitamins, and nutritional facets you need to make sure you are part of your diet regularly:


Water – Drinking water helps support organ function, supports hormonal balance, and helps carry out toxins from the body. Collectively, this helps support your fertility. Complex Carbohydrates – Eating vegetables, whole grains, and fruits help you get nutrients that support your fertility and provides fiber that works with water to help remove toxins from your body. Protein – Eating protein supports your fertility by providing nutrients that contribute towards hormone production. However, red meat should be lean and limited. High red meat diets can lead to problems with endometriosis. Fatty Acids – Eating oily fish like mackerel and salmon, along with nuts and seeds, is a great way to get fatty acids that support your fertility and the development of your baby once you conceive. Whole Milk – Drinking whole milk is related to your fertility. A study by Chavarro and Rosner found that women who drank 3 or more glasses of whole milk a day were 70% less likely to be infertile due to failed ovulation. Zinc – Zinc deficiencies have negative effects on fertility for both men and women. Taking 15 mg of zinc daily help both men and women enhance their fertility. Zinc can be found in vegetables, eggs, whole grains, peas, onions, beans and more. Vitamin B6 – Getting this vitamin daily helps in your production of the female sex hormone while also supporting the regulation of estrogen and progesterone.Vitamin B6 is found in eggs, salmon, peanuts, bananas, and soy beans. Vitamin C – Vitamin C helps trigger ovulation for women and supports healthy sperm count and mobility. Vegetables and fruits like strawberries, oranges and blueberries all contain Vitamin C. Vitamin E – Men and women both benefit from Vitamin E consumption. This vitamin affects hormone function for women and enhances sperm quality for men.

Foods to Avoid When Trying Get Pregnant Naturally

Eating healthy directly supports your health and wellness, while eating poorly also reduces your health and wellness. To maximize your health and wellness and ultimately your fertility wellness, there are nutritional items you should avoid to increase your chances of getting pregnant naturally.

Here is a list of things to avoid or at least limit your consumption:

Caffeine – Caffeine reduces calcium absorption, and some research shows that it lowers your fertility by approximately 27%. Processed Foods – These contain pesticides, artificial hormones, and preservatives, which collectively have a negative impact on your health and wellness. Red Meat – High consumption of red meat can lead to endometriosis, which can negatively affect on your efforts to conceive. Soy Products – Soy consumption by men has been connected to lower sperm counts.