Looking for advice from women who had HG?


I had HG in my first pregnancy until i was 30 weeks and as my daughter gets older I'm considering having another in the semi near future. My daughter is 5 and a half months old now and I keep thinking about how difficult life would be with throwing up nonstop and not being able to eat. Plus, my daughter is breast fed (with supplementing with formula because my supply isn't great) and i don't know if I would be able to keep going if I'm as sick the second time.

I threw up 6+ times a day until i was put on medicine, the meds only worked about half the time. So i would just throw up sporadicly all day. Around 28 weeks I stopped taking my meds and only threw up about once a week from then on.

I'm just looking to hear experiences and how far apart your kids are from eachother. I am so scared I'm going to neglect my dd and she is a total mommas girl and she would be miserable if I was sick all the time and not with her 😔