Baby rash on stomach and back.


I noticed about a week ago that my 4 month old had a rash on his stomach. It seemed to be getting better after a couple of days but now it's back and spread to his back as well. It doesn't seem to bother him, doesn't seem itchy. He never had a fever. We haven't changed his any of his soaps. We've been using enfamil gentlease the last 2 months but last week we were given parents choice gentle that we've used but he has had that formula before. The only thing else different is that he had his 4 month vaccines 3 1/2 days before the rash showed up.

We cant get into the doctor until the end of the week but i was wondering if anyone has seen this before and know what it is.

The first picture is when it first showed up. Then the reddness went away after a couple days but i could still feel the bumps.

The next two are when it got red again and a close up.

Any help is appreciated