how to tell family

So a quick backstory. I am 30 years old and pregnant with my first child. I am 12 weeks. Baby's father has left me and does not know I am pregnant. My family hates my ex. He's done a lot of abusive (emotional and financial abuse) to me and they simple despise him. 
So when I tell them I am pregnant and keeping this baby, raising it alone, they are going to be very upset. 
I can hear them saying things like "get an abortion" " you're going to be connected to that loser the rest of your life" "you're runining your life. What about your career?"
But i already love my baby and I have made my mind. I've always had a hard time with accepting that my actions can upset others regardless if it is what I truly want in my heart. 
So how can I tell my family, manage my stress, and get themabard instead of against me? I am 30 and pregnant with a great job, I am not 16 and pregnant.