Hospital botched my son's circumcision...

Has anyone done the Gomco procedure before?? I delivered my baby at Lake Pointe Medical Center of Baylor Scott and White in Rockwall. My stay was horrendous, and at the end of it they botched my son's circumcision(she used a bell that was too small and tried to correct it using a larger bell immediately afterwards and tore into the underside of his penis around his urethra) and tried to cover it up by pinching his dick and using steroid cream to stop the bleeding before rushing to open and close the diaper to show us that the procedure went fine... They then attempted to quickly discharge us before we changed his diaper only to find sand dollar amounts of blood pooling into his diaper and a swollen rip down the underside of his penis. If we hadn't have checked in time it could've been bleeding for over an hour on the drive home and I don't know what would've happened 😩They tried to tell me it was fine because I signed the risks and procedures paper and I knew that this was "common" and so they weren't at fault.. I had to have us forcibly discharged because they were making the bleeding worse. They even told me that it was okay to see PUSS. We've taken him to another pediatrician and his urethra seems fine since he can pee, but won't know how bad it is long-term until the swelling goes down. I feel like such a waste of a mother. Has anyone dealt with something like this?? Was your baby's penis fine at some point( cosmetically and anatomically)? How do you begin to handle a situation like this?