
I had my iud taken out but I haven't had a period for about five years and my previous periods were not on a schedule so how do I know what my ovulation schedule would be?
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I had my Mirena in for six years (too long I know) with no periods. A few days or a week after it was taken out I had the MOTHER OF ALL PERIODS. So don't be freaked out if that happens. My periods used to be heavy and long. I don't know if it's because of age, or because I switched to using a diva cup instead of tampons, but after the first few, my periods are now only about 3-4 days long. Your periods might become more regular or they might not. I'd say just log them and if you're trying to get pregnant, have lots of sex and have fun with it. But think of the first few months as a write off - if it happens it happens. If not, you can get serious once you know what's going on.


Fai • Jan 31, 2015
Remember I had mine in six years not five, so my body might have been super ready to have one. Also it's been almost a year but I got my BFP today and we haven't been trying especially hat from hit the right days. So, you're gonna be fine. :)


Helen • Jan 31, 2015
thank you! I haven't had a huge period since having it out and it's been three weeks! only light spotting. I took some tests but all were Negitive


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Just wait till af shows up and use opks starting the day after your af ends