UTI and Bubble Bath.

Holly • 31 year old lover of Jesus and wife of man. Baby #5,due 7/19
Just wanted to share my mishap with you ladies. Im due in February and for the longest time I didn't take a bath. I showered, but I was always afraid of harming baby with sitting in hot water. Once I hit that safe mark though I was in Heaven. Hubs had bought me some Strawberry soap and with relaxing in mind I soaked in a bubble bath atleast a couple times a week. I did this for a few weeks until I noticed I was having some burning in my lady parts. I just knew it was a UTI. It wasn't until I was at the doctor and they asked what kind of soap I was using that I put it together. The soap was irritating my lady parts. Thankfully I didn't get a UTI, but Dr said no to the nice smelling soap. She said that soaps like that aren't meant for internal use and the oils and mixes they use causes damage. She said use something free of scents and something for sensitive skin. This is for pregnant and non pregnant woman. She said she knew all the bath and body works smelt good, but they were not designed for genital use. She recommended Dove since they have a large selection of fragrance free soaps. Just wanted to give you all a heads up. She also said baths were fine. Just no smell good soaps.