C-section world

Keeley • First time mommy, love reading, hoping for a healthy and good pregnancy!
So I had to have a c-section which I didn't want at all (I was 5 cm last time they checked me so I was hopeful on delivering vaginally) but had to since it was what was best for my baby girl and I'm wondering who else got one and is hating their body?? I hate looking at myself naked and just feel like crap. I don't even feel like I gave birth to her. 😔 I'm only 2 weeks postpartum and I hate not being able to do stuff. I know it's different for everyone but about how long will it take to recover? I'm currently staying in my sister's room only bc my bed doesn't have a frame or box so it's on the floor and I wanted to recover before I went back in my room. I miss my room so bad!! Lol I just want to feel better about myself and get an amazing body again. 😔😞