Please, I need advise 😭😭😭

I'm 18 years old and 18 weeks tomorrow. My fiancé and I didn't plan on getting pregnant. We tried for a while but when it didn't happen, we decided it  as probably for the best right now. But then a few months later, it happened. He worked a really good job so we knew we would be okay. Except he lost his job, (he quit actually) because he got into a fight with the owners husband. That was about a month ago and he still isn't looking for a new job. He's 26, so it's not like he's childish or irresponsible. But that's how he's acting right now. We have a rent-to-own payment of 110$ a week, which was no problem up until now. My job sucks. I work a minimum wage, part time job and get paid biweekly. My paycheck was 102$ today because business has been slow so everyone's hours got cut. I don't even have enough to cover rent to own, let alone live for the next two weeks until I get paid again. I'm actively looking for a second job but it's hard because I'm a full time student. And, I don't know who would be willing to hire me when I'm gonna need time off in five months. I was trying to talk to my fiancé about it and he kept saying "we'll figure it out" and I know that means he wants to get into the money that's set aside to buy baby stuff once we know the gender. And I don't want to get into that money because we need it for the baby. He doesn't seem to understand that. It's like he doesn't care at all. I was crying talking to him today on the phone and he got mad and hung up on me. He said he'd call back when he's done playing his video game because I was distracting him. I WAS DISTRACTING HIM FROM HIS VIDEO GAME WITH OUR REAL LIFE PROBLEMS. I just don't know how to get through to him that we're really sinking here and I need his help 😭😭 what do I do?Â