Possibly implementation bleeding??

Ok guys, I am praying it's good news, one day before AF, I felt cramping , the feeling you receive when AF is about to visit. I knew for sure I was about to get it , cause I am always on time (even with pcos), so I wore a tampon cuz it was a night time, work up in the morning I saw brown ish blood, I am like yep it's here. So I wore another tampon for the day, so b/c I am a heavy bleeder I went to change it, of course there's was nothing, now like I'm like ok let me wear a pad, nothing till today. The next next day I went to dollars store to buy the pregnancy test ( trust me I spend so much on these test I say no more), suprisely bfn, yep negative, I am 4 days late, so I am crossing my finger, have this ever happened to you??? I told myself maybe I should just go do a blood test.