Perioral Dermatitis at 8 weeks...


Has anyone else experienced perioral dermatitis onset in first trimester? Its painful and kind of embarrassing. I never experienced this when I was pregnant with my now 10 yr old but I did during my last pregnancy in October before we lost the baby at 12 weeks. Now it's back again with a vengeance!

For those of you unfamiliar, it's a rash around and on the corners of my mouth, sometimes around my nostrils and on my eyelids. It itches, flakes/cracks and sometimes burns. Its red and usually swollen and sometimes will seep very small amounts of this clear fluid. (And it's not staff because that's what I first thought- Dr. Confirmed that already.)

Since I found out what it was I've been researching on it quite a bit and have noticed that a lot of the women experiencing this are middle aged and coincidentally pregnant.

Does anyone have any tips or tricks on treatment if they've experienced or are experiencing it? Antibiotics are the common course of treatment and it makes it extremely difficult to treat while being pregnant.