advice....Christian advice welcomed also

Hi👋🏼 not related to my pregnancy but related to my almost 10 yr old son. He is a sweetheart and respectful etc etc I've noticed with him though, he seems to be somewhat "fascinated" (for lack of a better word) by certain students he goes to school with. He tells me how so and so dyes the tip of their hair blue...well now so and so got his ear pierced. My son doesn't straight out say he wants to but if I ask he will say "I might want to." Here's my thing I'm a Christian parent. My belief in God has nothing to do with me caring about tattoos, piercings etc. my dad even has tattoos etc my concern is that he seems to want to do what others do....he doesn't get into trouble. My question is how can I respond (not react) with compassion and help my son understand that just bc "so and so" does something doesn't meat you have to. I have no problem whatsoever with people showing their individuality and I don't judge by appearance and teach him and my teenage son the same thing. Opinions on explaining to him.....I hope I'm making sense😌if you're Christian-how would you respond. Again, my issue is not the dyed hair and piercings. My issue is he's in 4th grade and just bc someone else does or has something doesn't mean he has to also!!