do you think sleep regression/teething or just needing more milk?

Jenijosh • Back 2 Back Babies.... 💜💙
my nearly four month old last few days has started to really really fight his sleep!! trying everything to get him to sleep or nap but he cries and fights it so hard then by time tried everything end up giving him another bottle And thats the only thing that settles him so had increased to an extra bottle a day! 
last night he had 7 oz then wouldnt sleep kept crying which is unlike him then gave him another 3 oz and he finally went to sleep! & tried all day yesterday n he must have only had 3 x 20 min naps if that'! 
he does have settled nights once hes off, hes drooling alot and i think could be teething, had a recent cold, & had his four month injections yesterday! 
any advice from you have already been through this stage?