Husband Rant

I just need to rant for a minute. I would like to preface this with: My husband is great. He loves me, he loves my daughter, he works hard, and he does what he can to make us happy. But, he doesn't help me with her like I need. 

     He recently got promoted, and that meant that his schedule is normalized. (Like 7-4ish, although he's working late now because he's training for his new job) Before, he had to get up at 2:45 am, so I had no problems taking care of the baby at night. It's not like that now, and he gets so put-out if she cries, or heaven forbid, I ask him to take one shift a night with her. We now run on a pretty similar schedule, so I don't feel bad asking that. 

       I have not asked him to clean in over a month, our space is always presentable, our laundry is taken care of, dinner is usually ready when he gets home, and I work! Although he works more hours than I do, I'm a therapist for autistic kids. I go to work, get hit, spit on, head-butted, and then I have to go home and do EVERYTHING ELSE, plus take care of our daughter. I've talked to him, and it gets better for like a week, and then he just keeps doing whatever he wants. I couldn't even be nice about it this morning. I was up for probably two hours with our daughter, and he opened his eyes, saw us, and went back to sleep. He also wants another baby. Unless he steps up his game a little bit, that's not going to happen for a while. 

    Am I just being a total b*tch? I know he is working a lot of hours right now, and he really is, but all I'm asking is to leave his muddy boots at the door and getting up with the baby once during the night if she's up more than once... I really don't think that's too much to ask

    I'm going to talk to him again, but I feel like I'm always the bad guy when we argue. He's so good in so many ways, so I don't want it to sound like he's some kind of awful husband. I'm just trying the best I can, and I feel like he's not meeting me in the middle right now. 😞