My birth story.. (epidural free not by choice lol)

✡Bracha✡♈ • Mom of David 14months&Esther1 month

So i was 40 weeks and 5 days. Started thinking ide never go into labor. This labor was totally different than my first 13 months ago. Had cramping threw up this morning.

But no bloody show!!! I kept thinking ide have a show. Anyways i was 3cm dialated at my 39 week apt but then had no progress at 40 weeks 2 days. Contractions started up at like 6:10 pm. But very inconsistent 15 minutes apart to 10 minutes apart to 17 minutes apart to 5 minutes apart etc... i finally decided the pain was intense and i needed to go. The drive was 35 minutes to the hospital by the time i got here they were like 3 minutes apart. They made me sign paperwork etc i was screaming my head off lol (im a bit embarrassed now) and begging for my epidural. They kept delaying me and i felt like i was gonna give birth any second but they insisted that i had time and the anesthesiologist was coming. Well he didn't come in time my body out of nowhere without any warning started pushing and these screams came out of me lol that shocked me. They kept telling me not to scream🙄 like pleas jump in a lake! Lol. And within about 5 pushes she was out. And what a relief that was. It was a girl! My daughter was extremely alert n latched right on (unlike my son) and that was a pleasant surprise.. heres my opinion about natural birth

. If your doing it in the hospital lay on your side!! It cut the pain in half! Don't let them tell you otherwise. On my back was unbearable. About pushing just scream all you want it helps! I have no idea why they tell you not to scream and breath n all this shit. Non of that helped breathing as they directed made my pain worse! So just let your body take over listen to your body and do whatever makes the pain less!! For me that was moaning screaming etc and even crying. In the end i only tore 1 degree unlike with my son whom i had an epidural with and the recovery seems quicker. Neither baby nor i are out of it and im not as sore. Good luck ladies! And dont look for stupid bloody shows etc you can still be in labor without it!!! 😘😘😘 sorry we don't look that great didn't have prep time lol.