I want to start off by saying GOD IS GOOD & HE IS ABLE

I want to start off by saying GOD IS GOOD & HE IS ABLE!!! My husband and I have been trying to conceive since 2014. We have gone through many ups and downs along the way including 1 failed <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">ivf</a> cycle, but we didn't stop there. In Dec of 2016 we began a new <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">ivf</a> journey. Through it all we put all of our focus on God and we knew with confidence that the time was ours. With a lot of love, prayer & patience God has blessed us with our first bundle of joy that will arrive October 2017!!!
​Put God in everything you do and he will make a way for you. What may seem impossible to you is possible for him! Focus on him and have faith in him. There is a test in every testimony. Be blessed and I wish you all success 🤗😬💫