Pregnancy Brain 😣

Brijona • 💕👩🏾👨🏾👦🏾👶🏾💕 Mummy and Girlfriend 🔮📿🙏🏾 Spiritualist 🌳💨 Naturalist 👸🏾 Queen of my own reality 💋✌🏾
I am four days PP. My daughter is so beautiful and I love her so much. But I HATE this pregnancy brain😡 I literally can put thoughts together. Words that come out my mouth don't always makes sense. I  misplacing everything, but it's actually not misplaced I just forgot where I put it. And I'm talking TWO SECONDS! I can be have just sent a text and sit my phone down, I look at my baby and then I don't know where my phone is. I hate being this way. Because I'm sharp as a tack, whitty, and usually pretty funny. But now I'm quiet, I can't form sentences and avoid people. I feel like I am suddenly severely mentally disabled overnight. It has literally been a TASK to get this post together. I am literally in tears.