Quitting job after baby

So I had every intentions of working after my son was born. I had a pretty good set up. I work as a preschool teacher in a learning center that also has an infant room. So my baby was going to stay home with daddy mondays and tuesdays (his days off) and come to work with me the rest of the week and is only need to pay $10/day! I thought it would be great, it's cheap and I'd get to see my baby at times throughout the day. I was wrong. It has been the hardest ever. I feel like I'm missing out. I have to walk past my baby screaming and laying on a boppy on the floor while the teachers are busy with other children and not be able to soothe him at all. I'm breastfeeding and my supply dropped after one week back. And my poor baby got so sick after being there for only 2 days. Life has been pretty rough lately on me (my mom died 2 weeks before baby and my grandpa died 3 weeks after.) And I just feel like I can't handle all of this on top of all of that. Since my mom passed she did leave me quite a bit of money so one day I just decided I can't do it anymore and put my 2 weeks in. I plan on working from home, finding a nannying job or substituting on my fiancée days off. My close friends and family are being supportive but my MIL and everyone at my job is making me feel terrible, A mom of one of my students said the other day 'Well we all did it just fine'. I've already been second guessing if I made the right choice and that's not helping. I always went to my mom for advice with big decisions like that and now that I can't I feel so lost and unsure if I'm doing the right thing. Any other moms quit after baby and regret it or are you so happy you made that choice?