Cosleeping\ mini rant

Recently I've gotten a lot of back lash about co sleeping with my son and honestly part of me feels guilty but another part loves it. My son has been sleeping in our bed since he was a week old. He's now almost 5 weeks old. I feel like my husband and I have really made a effort to have him sleep in his bassinet. The first week we tried to have him sleep in there and as soon as my husband set him in there he screamed. I had a c-section so I could barely get out of bed so the first week I literally sat sitting up holding him or him sleeping next to me while I slept sitting up. I then decided to get a swing and see if that helped which it kinda did. Usually when I put him to bed about 9Pm he'll go down fine in the swing. But when he wakes up at midnight he won't go back to sleep in there. Every once in awhile he will but not lately. However if I let him sleep in the bed it seems like he sleeps better. I've read up on sids because I do freak out about that but I move anything that could suffocate him but honestly he sleeps on my arm. If I'm not touching him I feel like he wakes up right away. The only thing that concerns me about that is that I'm going to have to go back to work one day and right now he's used to me being with him all the time. Maybe I'm just freaking myself out but I guess I'm also feeling a little guilty about me going back to work as well. I love he bond we have and I think it's amazing because I didn't have that bond with my mom. And I love cuddling with him. But my mother in law makes comments like I hog him or he's never going to be able to spend the night anywhere. But he's my baby if I want to hog him I can. I have a 3 month old niece and my brother and his girlfriend dump her at my moms every chance they get. My mom hs her like 3-5 nights a weeks. So maybe that's also why I feel like I want to be with him so much or for him to not feel like I'm always gone. And I don't really want him spending the night anywhere. My niece doesn't sleep half the time and I feel like it's because she's bounced around so much. And I feel like babies need to be with their parents. I've only left my baby three times in his life once to go to Walmart and my husband stayed home with him, once to go get some work done at my office which my mother in law kept him, and the last time was with my mom because my washer broke and I had to do laundry at the laundromat. Where as my brother leaves her every chance they get. Idk maybe it's giving me anxiety and because I went through he same thing as a kid I know what she's in for it makes me cling to my baby a little tighter
This is how he usually falls asleep. 
I'm sorry for the long post, maybe my emotions are still outta wack. 
If there's any other moms struggling with this please I'd love some advice.