How long did you bleed for?

Nic • Miscarried our first pregnancy February 2017. Our beautiful rainbow daughter arrived 6 days early on Christmas Eve 2017 😂
I started spotting on Monday 30th Jan and it gradually got heavier and I had period type cramps to go with it. I called the birthing centre and they said they can get me in for an early scan once the bleeding stops. If it's heavier than a period then it's probably my a miscarriage. I've felt ok in myself, I don't feel poorly and the bleeding hasn't filled any pads. It's now Saturday and I'm still bleeding, had a tiny bit of blood in a pad (it's only when I have a pee there's blood normally- sorry TMI). I don't feel pregnant as all of my symptoms have gone. I haven't passed any clots that I know of and the craps stopped Wednesday. I just want it to be over with so I can move on rather than crying every day! I would have been just over 6 weeks when the bleeding started. I'm obviously devestated but I just want to know how many of you guys bled for a while. Thank you xxx