Too young?

One of my friends who's fifteen has a boyfriend who's sixteen that I feel is a bad influence on her. She's slowly been changing for him and doing things she told me she'd never do. Last week she told me about a hickey she got. I assumed she meant on her neck but it turned out it was right in middle of her breasts. On the same day, she showed me (without me asking) what was on her shoes and how she got it there. It was sperm from her boyfriend. She told me they were standing and she was.......if it isn't obvious. The gross part about this whole situation is the fact that she hasn't washed the shoes since she told me. And today at school you could still see it (on her jacket, too). Its been a whole week and she couldn't find anytime to get that off? It was almost as if she needed a "symbol of there love for each other". And the sad part is that she talks about it around people like it's nothing and so does he. I feel like I'm the only one who thinks this is wrong and wants to say something about it. I just feel that she doesn't know what this is going to do to her high school reputation and her boyfriend could probably care less. What do you think? Is she too young? Or am I exaggerating?

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