130am. Son still awake. Grrrr


He used to go to bed at 10.. Past few nights 1, 130am. Its killing me. He is so hyper. Even if i lay with him he will still be jumping all over me. We are slowly doing the transition to his crib in his room so once he falls asleep i put him in his room. One night he slept 12-6. One night 1-5. Tonight.. Well he JUST fell asleep on me so now hes going to go in his crib.

Hes so active during the day i wish he would go to bed earlier.

Any tips? Ideas..tricks?

He had horrible acid relfux as a young baby. So bad there were times i thought he wasnt going to make it so as u can imagine my hubby and I both wanted him in our room. In his bassinet but eventually he ended up in our bed lol we were comfortable. Hes older now tho and im finally okay with him in his room. Plus his room is literally 10 steps or so from our room lol