
So my best friend had her first baby almost a year ago. She and her boyfriend had gotten so many hand me downs from friends and family--- some of the stuff they even sold and made money off of it. I'm now expecting my first. Same gender as hers. We were talking about clothes and baby stuff and I didn't straight up ask but hinted, to see if she was going to offer any of her items she no longer uses. She then told me to make sure I start stocking up now on everything and that she wasn't going to pass anything down to me. I even offered to pay her for some of the stuff! How freaking rude!!! I know it's her things and she has every right to do what she wants with them but 1. You took so much stuff from so many people, who also planned on having more kids but they still gave to you anyways 2. You sold some of the stuff passed down to you and made money off your friends instead of offering it back to them. Not to mention she was crying about having to buy maternity clothes so I literally gave her bags of name brand loose clothing I had or clothes that were "maternity like" as I am bigger then her! My family always tells me to stop doing things for her because she doesn't appreciate them and expects things from everyone. I should also include she alone makes more money than my boyfriend and I combined!!! And I babysit 2 Saturdays a month for free so they can go out on date night! Hormones in full rage today!