so annoyed! *rant

Lauren. • 28 years old. Happily married since 6/21/14. Loving being a mommy to my 2 amazing daughters!
So, my husband and I are currently living with my in-laws, and have been since a few months before our baby arrived. We made a 2 last minute moves in an attempt to be closer o family and start a new job for my husband...however, being so close to having a baby, and moving twice(making money right, and leaving me with no job from the move...), my in-laws offered to let us live with them. This allowed us to save up some money, and I didn't have to work when Zoe arrived for some time. Well, they renovated the basement so we could have a nice living area, and it was well understood by everyone that we would be out by the end of the school year (my husband is a teacher...), and we explained that they totally didn't need to renovate for us since we weren't planning on being there for more than a year. Well, I was just offered a job, and it will allow us to move out on our own, and go back to life as it was before baby arrived (well, My MILs friend is driving me insane with this...she keeps on making comments about how I should continue to live with my in-laws because then I don't have to work so I will actually be able to be there for my daughter while she is developing...and how it's rude that we would move out after they did all that work for us...and how could I possibly want to work, when I could just live for free and be a seriously? We have already lived with them for 8 months! 8. Freaking. Months... My MIL and FIL aren't upset about this, and would want nothing less than us to be back to providing for ourselves as functioning adults(though they would kindly, and happily home us as long as we needed...). I know this woman's opinion shouldn't bother me since there is no strain between us and my in-laws, but I can't help but be annoyed with all these comments...I will be working nights, so only missing daytime things when I sleep...and I can still be a great mother even though I am a working mom...and obviously as a family of three my husband and I would like some privacy, and normalcy to our life!!! Im not looking for advice, just needed to vent because I was so annoyed with her...