Poas addict's whining

Emma • married, mommy of two angel babies👼🏻👼🏻TTC
Yesterday took an opk for the sake of it ( I ovulated cd 12 and now it's cd 23) and it turned to be very dark, so today when glow told me to test I got my hopes up and got a bfn (with fmu) Then, being desperate I decided to take an opk and it was be not even close to getting darker. I am so angry at myself for thinking it might work this month. Angry and so sad, cried in the bathroom so that my dog doesn't see me. The lines are never in my favor.
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Posted at
Thanks, hun. Hope it does.


Posted at
I'm sorry, it's so disheartening seeing bfns. Your time will come... wishing af stays away for you.