Cornual Pregnancy at 11 Weeks 💔

I just had a cornual resection 13 days ago and I'm just hoping to be able to talk to some people who have gone through something similar. I know it's a really rare diagnosis so I feel even more isolated and alone. Just feeling so empty and confused...I was 11 weeks along when a regular dating ultrasound showed it was cornual. I hadn't even heard of that before so I didn't even know to be worried about it. It was my third ultrasound (had one at 5 weeks and one at 7 weeks) and for some reason nobody noticed. The doctors were surprised it hadn't already ruptured. So I had to have an emergency laparotomy, removal of my left tube and left cornual part of my uterus. I also got the methotrexate shot as well. The physical recovery has been awful but the worst part is the disappointment and sadness as we had been trying to get pregnant for 6 years before we got this miracle BFP. We had seen and heard the heartbeat and seen our little one wiggling around on the ultrasound screen. Knowing the baby was perfect and healthy (heart rate was 170bpm) made getting the surgery so much more heartbreaking. This was our first pregnancy and we are so devastated. Part of me wants to try again right away and part of me is terrified the same thing will happen again. I know I'm lucky I didn't die as this type of ectopic has a really high mortality rate for the mom. I'm just so scared and depressed but still aching to be pregnant again. Has anyone else had a cornual? Or interstitial/angular? Can anyone give me hope? 💔