supplemental nursing system

We have been struggling to get our baby girl to gain weight 🙁 she's almost three weeks old and still hasn't made it back to her birth weight. We've seen a lactation consultant a few times. It seems like the problem is a combination of me having a low supply, and Addie not sucking hard enough to keep my supply going. Yesterday, the LC had us start trying a supplemental system. She starts out nursing, then we add a small tube that allows her to get extra breast milk or formula while she's nursing. The hope is that she will start getting more while nursing, encouraging her to put more effort into sucking and ultimately boosting my supply. But it's hard. Really hard. Has anyone done this before with success? We are going to try until our appointment next week, but I'm thinking that if the LC says she's still not getting enough from nursing alone, we might just switch to bottles of formula/breast milk. It's just getting so discouraging and I want my baby to be fed and growing. Sigh. I'd love to hear some stories!