He said I'd be a terrible mom.

I got pregnant unexpectedly and when my ex and I sat down to discuss the "plan" he was simply astonished that I wasn't automatically getting an abortion.
Maybe out of anger, or fear, or just plain pettiness, he said "You don't even have your own life together, how on earth do you think you'll be a good mom? You won't be. This is a terrible idea."
I stayed strong during that meeting, but when I got home, I cried so much at that. I'm 24 years old, I have a great job, I have an amazing support system, I have done nothing without my baby in mind for the last three months, and i personally think I will be a great mom. Just because I am a silly goofy fun person, doesn't mean I don't know how to be responsible. Sure, I didn't act "motherly" before, but I wasn't someone's mom before.
Anyway, it's been 3 months since we had that meeting, I'm 19w2d, and I just had a moment to sit and think about what he said then and how I feel now. I think if he said that today, I'd laugh in his face. I'm not going to be a perfect mother because no one will. But I am confident that I will strive in everything I do to be a great and loving mother to my precious little girl without a single bit of help from him. My amazing and supportive family is a big factor in helping me feel confident about my child's future, but really the biggest change since then has been my personal attitude. I didn't become a better person, I just started to believe in myself, and know I always WAS capable of doing this.
All that to say, if your baby daddy is being a jerk, don't let his inability to see your potential stop you from seeing it. Mommas, you got this!!! WE can do this!!