Should I move??

So, I've lived by myself for as long as I can remember. I just REALLY hate the snow. My daughters grandpa (that neither of us really know but grew up around his siblings -my daughters aunts and uncles and cousins- up here in Michigan AMAZINGLY awesome family. We'd be WELL taken care of). I am debating if I should move to Florida and accept their offer to live with them for a little bit (until I get a place). It wouldn't be long term by any means but after living alone for such a long time it is strange for me to live with someone as have never really doing it at all in my adult life (no, not even a significant other). I have a job I LOVE here in the North, working as a preschool teacher (after being in the medical field ten years and then losing my mom and oldest daughter 36 HOURS apart. My mom to Cancer my oldest to an automobile accident at age 5 I had to switch back to the career field I've always dreamt of growing up. Teaching again). I just don't make enough. I went to school for two years to teach and only make .15cents above minimum wage. Plus an extra .25centa for opening the building at 5:30AM. I need a fresh start. No more snow and people I know are here for me and the child I do still have. After losing my oldest baby I feel that life is too short and if it didn't work out in the south I could always come back here. Work at my job again and find a new place to live. It's just that my daughter and I have moved a lot in the past 3/4 years. We need some stability as well. 
Should I stay?? Should I go?? Wait until I know I have a job lined up (which is hard when you live 1600 miles away)?? I want to go. Of course you have tons of options, pros and cons, seeking the Lords advice, asking the church, and now asking all of you. 

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