Date Date Date

So I've been single for a year and a half and I've dated a few guys. However I just start talking to a new guy I met on a socail media account. At first I didn't think I would respond but I thought why not. So we've been talking a little over two weeks and I really like him. He's just five years older than me. I'm 25 and he's 30 but he doesn't look his age. To me he looks to be 27. Anyway he calls me everyday which shows me he's interested. We have good conversations he's funny and very handsome. So we are planning to meet at the end of the month and I'm really excited. He has the weekends off but I don't but I was able to ask for day off so I could meet him. I haven't been there in a while I'm not really like I thought I would. I feel like we're  going to connect and have a really good time. I'm already thinking about if I want to kiss him on the first date but anyone I have dated I never have. Should I do it or wait for the second date? I believe I can see this going somewhere and I'm really excited about it!