
I'm usually a happy spontaneous girl! I laugh easily and smile all the time but lately I just haven't been feeling myself . I don't know I sort of feel trapped . I never felt this way before I been in a long term relationship for quite some time now and I guess I just hate that everyone that's in one still goes out and has fun . We don't even go to the park ?! Or to stores ..he says its because our kid (3yrs) always acts up or ends up making a mess but i mean the kid is a kid! Thats what they do at 3yrs! He has ocd so he is very strict and i feel like i need a break but yet again idont know if im over reacting alot of girls would love to be a stay at home mom ! And have their husband buy them anything! But i feel like why do i need the makeup clothes if i cant ever show it off .. Ugh . sorry i just needed to rant .