UTI & other symptoms

Desiree • Trying for my rainbow baby... i lost in june.mommie of a 3yr old & of an angel ♡♡

I have a UTI and ive been 9n antibiotics and also taking azo. But ive bn having alot of pressure in my abdomen with twinging pains,nausea on and off , lower back pain,fatigue dizziness etc. Im ttc my third because my first was a healthy boy who is now 3. My second ended in miscarriage :( ... hoping to get my rainbow baby :)

I had my period on January 2.ended on the 6th. So im hoping af doesnt show. I went to the E.R. 3 days ago and they took urine to see what I had and came out a uti but they did a pregnancy test also and said it was negative. :(

Could it be to early still? As to glow im in my ovulating days and ive b'd? Plz help my confusion SOMEONE!!!