cervix position before af?

Quyen • Diagnosed with Unexplained infertiity.
Af is due in 7-8 days, but usually, my cervix is at 1/2 point, firm, & opened by now. By the time af is about to arrive(2-3 days before) it is low & hard, and opened a bit so af can come out. So far though, my cervix is still pretty high, almost unreachable & closed. I've been tracking my cycles and trying to be more observant of my body, and this month has felt different. There is some white lotion-like cm when when I go to check my cervix, but not much. Took a pregnancy test last night at 11 dpo, negative as I thought it would be. Still, my Symtoms are 
*nausea here & there
*hot flashes like crazy 
*cold symtoms( runny nose, congested, sneezing, and wheezing cough) No fever
*tender boobs(usually are super sore after O leading up to AF
*urinating a little more 
*feeling different
*super emotonial 
The day of O, I had cramps on & off, then light spotting I think Bc the egg was released. (We did the deed that same night)
Period is due Friday or Saturday, gonna re-test Monday morning. What do y'all think? If we are, it'll be our rainbow baby, 13 months later! Fingers crossed this is our month.