serious question

So I've been dealing with a lot of body issues lately. I've been cramping really bad after sex, to the point where I can't stand up.. and have been dealing with pain in my left ovaries. I've been bleeding between periods as well. I have been going to the doctors for a year now and because of my age they are just saying it is an STD (which I have had 3 negatives on) and disregarding all my other symptoms. I did my own research and found that options could be cancer, cysts, or PID. I'm just trying this app out now to see if there's anybody out there that has had similar symptoms that may have better advice for me or just an ease of mind of what is going on. I want to get pregnant but I am worried due to what has been going on with the pains and everything that I will not be able to.. im trying to go to a different doctor but I was hoping for somebody to help ease my mind or just somebody that can relate 😢