Sick, pregnant, sleepless

Let me just start off by saying: 😑 
A couple days ago I had a bit of a sore throat, but that was it, it went away on Saturday and I felt good all day, a sneeze once in a while. Well, I wake up yesterday and good lord it's like there's marbles up my nose because I legit couldn't breathe at all. Went to church- miserable. Went grocery shopping- miserable. Came home and organized my closet room and purged for upcoming baby- miserable. Last night I just got worse and worse, woke up this morning at 2:30 after 4 1/2 hours of sleep. Guess who's been up since? Lots of nose blowing, some reading, some Instagram, even a hot shower with peppermint essential oils. Did anything work? Nope. Not sure if I should just take off work today and try to rest or suck it up. I'd rather be puking all day than not be able to breathe. 
Welpppp... happy Monday!Â