I'm 20, how do I tell my parents that I'm pregnant?

Like I said, I'm 20 and 6 weeks pregnant with my first baby. I am beyond excited and happy about it but I am so nervous to tell my parents. I was raised in a very conservative household and was expected to wait till I was married to have sex. I don't know what to say or how to say it. I feel like I am going to be a disappointment to them. Any suggestions and or advice? I don't want to stress about this any longer. 
Update: I told my parents last weekend. My mom cried and told me that she wished that she instilled better morals in me growing up and that this wasn't how she wanted my life to turn out. My dad on the other hand was shocked but told me that he was here to support me and the baby and prays for a healthy pregnancy. I think my dad is secretly happy but doesn't want to show it because my mom is so upset. But thank you everyone who commented on this post and encouraged me to just tell them.