sudden night wakings in 6.5 month old

Kristin • 34 yr old mommy to a beautiful little 4 yr old boy and 4 month baby girl. Married to a wonderful husband and father.
Any moms out there have a 6.5 month old who went from sleeping all night to suddenly waking often, crying at night and needing binky at bedtime??? Our daughter has STTN since birth. Then had her shots at 6 months on 1/13/17 followed by an ear infection and rhinovirus aka bad cold. She has been having trouble sleeping since. Some nights are better than others and her top two front teeth are working their way in. She got her bottom teeth at 5 months. We have been giving her tylenol at night because she seems to be in teething pain. It stinks she went from going to sleep on her own to needing binky and waking frequently:/. She still gets a bottle around 4/5 am and usually goes back to sleep.