Possible low cervix?

This is quite odd for me to talk about, so excuse my awkwardness.

I'm almost fifteen/not comfortable talking to my mom and definitely not my doctor, and I could never find something that accuratley described my problem, but based on what I did find, I believe I have a low cervix?

So, there's this...Ball? Type thing which is inside of my vagina, and the tip of it feels like it has a slight hole. I can't wear tampons due to it not going in all of the way and hurting if shoved. It's quite low, I can feel it when...Yeah, and it's definitely not because the tampon isnt being inserted correctly. Does this sound like a low cervix to you guys? Are there any solutions to wearing tampons because quite frankly, all of my pants are hella tight and I'm always paranoid my pad bulk is noticable😐