Follicle check advice

Tiffany • Married 6/24/11. Baby boy 6/26/12. Pregnant with #2,3 &4 due Sept-Oct 15
I finished my first round of clomid a week and a half ago and had an ultrasound on Monday. They found one cyst on my left side that they thought might be a follicle cyst. It was a little too small so they scheduled me to go back in yesterday (wednesday) to get it done again and see if it had grown. When I went in they found that it had actual shrunk and said it wasn't a follicle cyst after all and they would just up my clomid dosage next month and try again. I did use a opk and it was positive on Saturday and Sunday. I guess what I am asking is is it possible I ovulated over the weekend and they just saw the follicle after releasing the egg? I have been feeling some cramping, sore nipples, headaches, constipation and nausea the past 4 days.