transition from co sleeping to crib

He has always slept in his crib since day 1 but when since December I let him sleep with us. He has learned to put himself to sleep, just a bottle then moves around then bam asleep with me laying right next to him. 
Well now my question is how I get him back in the crib? 
He would always be waking up every two hours, for awhile it was every 30 minutes & had to have a bottle with formula to fall asleep. 
My husband says to bounce him to sleep, but that was seriously exhausted, sometimes it would it would take up two hours then just to lay him down and for him to start crying. 
Pretty embarrassed to say but as much as I love co-sleeping it's ruining my sex life and even spending time with him. He works everyday from 9am-11pm. So that's the only time we get "us time". 
How can I get him back to the crib and for my baby to keep putting himself to sleep?