
So, over the summer I starting taking birth control pills to help me have a more steady and light period and to help get rid of my cramps. The first pills I started taking helped some but I still had bad cramps and heavy periods. I went back to my doctor and she gave me a birth control with a little bit more hormones. I have had 3 periods since I started these pills and the cramps haven't been too terrible but this time around they are terrible. When I got my first birth control the doctor gave me ibruprohpen (even after I said nothing of the sort helps/doesn't help for long) and I have to eat before I take the pill or I will puke. When I'm cramping I have no desire to eat I actually want to puke thinking about food. I told my doctor that and that 4 over the counter ibruprophen helps me but only for 30-45 minutes and she got angry and said that's what the stuff she gave me was equal to. Well anyway, when I got the new birth control my cramps weren't as bad so I told my doctor that and she was happy for me and we didn't schedule another appointment. But now that my cramps are bad again I don't know what to do. It might just be this period that it's bad because periods are different almost every time. Basically what I need your guys' help with is, 1 what over the counter medicine helps for terrible cramps, 2 if no over the counter stuff helps, how can I ask for stronger pain meds without sounding like I just want pain meds for the hell of it? Please help! 
Ps. I don't want to start a new birth control if I don't need to, I hate having to adjust my body to a new birth control it is miserable.