On birth control, needing helping 💕s

Hello and thanks if you can help!
This is my second months pill package 
I haven't missed any pills and take it the same time everyday.
Jan 22 was my first day taking the pill 
long story short here's my log
Mostly it has been brown breakthrough bleeding but turns bright red just when I think it lightens up enough to be over.
This is the 13th day bleeding 
Feb 9th I started to feel so helpless and stressed it was so overwhelming I couldn't help but be left thinking of self infliction.
I felt so helpless a feeling so overwhelming 
I just threw myself into doing push-ups desperate to fight against the self infliction
But later that night I finally start feeling somewhat better. 
Ever since the 9th I occasionally get these overwhelming feelings but it doesn't last all day. That being said it still is horrific even if it lasts a couple hours (it's 3:45am)
My chest is sore at all times and nausea comes and goes.
So that and bleeding non-stop 
I want to be intimate with my man and not just give him head all the time I'm feeling neglected 😞💦
 n then here to top it off, 
Happy Valentines Day morning 😡
Mostly I just want to know if someone's been through it to know if it straightens out or if you have to get the strength adjusted.
For now I just want to be pad free and I'll deal with the emotions by hopelessly doing  push-ups if I have to no matter how strong the emotions are
 I feel like an adjustment on the pills would fix it, why am I stuck like this.? I just feel so helpless. 2 more months of this before they'll even give me an 
So please lend your heart out
with your knowledgeÂ