miscarriage news.

So yesterday we got the news that everybody fears. Our baby stopped developing at 5-6 weeks. We would have been 8.5 yesterday. So I'm going to have to go in to get a D&C since my body isn't doing it in its own. 
I thought I would share the full story to hopefully relate to others out here. 
I got my first positive test on New Year's <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android.eve">Eve</a>. Then started spotting. I was spotting for 3 weeks and went into the doctors. They did an ultrasound and couldn't see anything besides the start of my gestational sac. 
They did bloodwork which showed the appropriate rise in hormones. The spotting finally stopped around week 5 (based off LMP)
They had me come in at what should have been 6.5 weeks. Between my first appointment I had developed a bladder infection and was given meds that they said we're safe. 
At my appointment we saw a gestational sac and a yolk sac and we're told we were dating a week behind. On that day I had the feeling that something was wrong. But I tried to stay positive even thought there was NO way per when I ovulated that I could be behind that much. 
They had me wait 3 more weeks which put us at yesterday 2/13
When we went in there was still only a yolk sac. No baby and no heartbeat.
We are heartbroken and devistated. I am going to schedule a D&C today. Since it's been 3 weeks and my body hasn't rejected it on its own. 
My husband and I promised that we would not let this discourage us to continue to try. Even though I feel like a failure right now. 
I wish all of you other ladies a very happy and healthy 9 months. And hopefully I will be back on this app soon.