Throwing in the towel. :(

So my daughter spent the first 8 days of her life in the nicu.I pumped all day long. Every time I went to the nicu to feed her I always tried to breastfeed her. The nurses were of no help. When she got home I tried and tried. No luck then at 3 weeks she started breastfeeding. But it didn't last long. So for the past 2 months or so I've been taking supplements to help me produce milk. I try to pump but only get about 15 drops out of both breast together. She refuses to breastfeed. I finally decided it's time to throw in the towel. I'm very depressed this is very important to me. She's 20 weeks now and I'm tired of trying. So no more supplements for me. I'm really sad. Just feel like I failed her. She got my colostrum and some milk. I guess I should be happy with that. Sorry to rant on and on just needed to get it out. Thank you