TTC, missing something

Okay so this is a long shot, but any help would be more than appreciated. Is there anyone here who has become pregnant and didn't have a cervix. I had to have my cervix removed surgically. After the surgery the doctor did tell me that I may have trouble getting pregnant, and in case anyone is wondering I still have everything else the only thing that is missing is the cervix. The doctor also told me that if I were to become pregnant I would have to have a mandatory C-section considering the fact that I do not have a cervix to push the baby out. I do plan on going to the doctor in reference to some questions but I just wanted to ask a few other women who have actually been pregnant without the cervix how was their experience. We have been TTC, but haven't had any luck. I most recently thought that I was pregnant considering the fact that I had missed my period last month but so much for that because it is here now. Talk about a big disappointment for both of us......So I do have periods, don't know if I ovulate (will be getting some test), I have never been pregnant before & I am 25 with no kids.