So sick of sanctimommys!

I'm reaching my breaking point on all the judgment involved in being a mom! Breast vs. formula, when to start solids, sleep training or not, working or staying at home, vaccinations... It's exhausting to keep up with all of it! Can't we all just agree that we're doing the best we can with our own kids and stop worrying about what everyone else is doing? In my own life I'm constantly hearing "your baby's starving, you have to feed her  more!" or "you're feeding her way too often!" "You're not changing her diaper enough!" or "you're changing her diaper again?!" "I can't believe you're waiting until 6 months for solids!" or "Don't even think about introducing food until 6 months or your baby will be allergic to everything!" Parenting is SO hard, why are we making it so much harder on each other? Sorry, I know I sound like a crazy person. I'm just so tired of it all. I question everything I do anyway, I don't need to hear everyone's opinions about how every decision I make makes me a crappy parent. Rant over. 😊