Am I overreacting? bf didn't do anything for valentines

Chrystal • College student
So my boyfriend and I have been together for two years and three months; he's my first serious boyfriend and this is our third Valentine's Day together. 
For this valentines we had said we wouldn't do much and not get each other a gift for valentines cause we just came back from a long trip. I was completely fine with that, I told him so and that we could just have a romantic night in, which I told him twice. For valentines I've been practicing this sexy dance routine that I was going to do for him and I put a lot of work into and even did my nails, bought a new bra and sexy underwear and everything so I could look super good for him.
 Come Valentine's Day after I get out of volunteering at 5pm I texted him and told him I'd be a little late and get to his place by like 630. He said no worries his roommate was in the kitchen cooking, so when I got there we could just go to Winn Dixie and pick something to me that didn't sound romantic at all, I thought he would cook and just set up his room with some candles that's it, that's all I really wanted. I had called him to tell him he can just go ahead and cook and just pick something to make, and I asked if he even had candles, he said no and asked if I wanted him to get some. 
At this point I was kind of annoyed. When I got to his house he had started cooking but his room wasn't romantically set up at all, and he didn't get me not even a card. 
Now the reason why I got upset is because he acted like it was a regular day he put no effort to do anything romantic or anything. The past two valentines were so great. On our first one together it was so romantic, and I lost my virginity to him that night, I was 21. That's why it's kind of a big deal to me. I told him I was upset about that he put absolutely no effort into doing anything and he said he doesn't like the "pressure on men for valentines" which I thought was bs since our past valentines he did put effort into it and they were really great. 
Am I over reacting or do I have a right to be  upset?