I feel stress free!!!!!!!

Hi ladies I'm a ttc veteran since summer of 2014. I've had 2 miscarriages so I am a mommy to 2 angel babies, and ever since my husband and I have been ttc and it's been a year and 1/2 with no luck. It's been stressful and and 24/7 job it feels like, and I've been getting real sock of the constant BFN month after month. I couldn't keep up with how much money was spent with all with ovulation test, pre seed, different kinds of vitamins and fertility supplements. Tracking every single day and everything under the sun, so I've also made an appointment in April to figure out what's the reason I'm not getting pregnant. So I decided to take some time off from ttc because it was getting overwhelming. I have to say I feel good and less stressed, I'm not saying I don't want to have a baby anymore of course I want my rainbow some day, but it's nice to not have to worry. And who know many women say the moment they decided to take a break is when they got pregnant so I hope that happens for us......but at the same time I feel how in the world could I possibly get pregnant with out actually trying because that can't even happen when I'm trying. But I pray every day so it's all in God's hand!!!