Who would get custody of your kid(s)?

My husband and I talked about divorce yesterday. First off, we aren't considering getting a divorce, it was just a conversation topic. We were discussing who would get custody of our daughter IF something were to happen to our marriage. He started off by saying "I'm sure you would want her" then I responded with "I was thinking you would want her". We both immediately felt ASHAMED. We love our daughter more than anything and she's the light of our life, but it seemed like neither of us wanted custody of her if we got divorced. It came down to me not having the resources to care for her by myself and him not having time to care for a child alone with his job. Neither one of us could do it alone. So with that being said, who would your children go with if you and your SO split? I'm not talking about joint custody or weekend visitation, I'm talking about full custody.

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