Emotional manipulation

Hi I'm 24 going on 25 need some advice for a mom that keeps making the crapiest jokes about taking my 10 month old boy from me and my husband also I have this issue with my husband that he says I don't respect and show affection enough towards him which I cannot understand because we have a great sex life but if we argue he looks for attention from other women I'm also feeling that he does this to spite me it never gets physical (or I hope not) but I know for a fact sweet little petting names are given to each other because I've seen the messages myself.. he nags that I don't chat to him often and don't send him photos of me and this seems to be a issue for him but if I do it he doesnt have time to talk because he is "busy" at work then.. I've considered seeing a psychologist to help but I'm feeling I'm not the only one with the problem here also I am a working mommy so I'm only tying my best.. sorry guys it's a horribly long story but I've reached my limit now. PLEASE HELP!!